Who Am I?
A Tango dancer, instructor, photographer, graphic designer, writer, and traveler are a few of the many things I’ve used to describe myself over the years. I spend much of my free time outside of my day job on photography, Tango, and this site as my main focuses. I’ve combined my passions together to bring something new and different to contribute to those around me. The Tango part of this Tango-Voyage started before I even learned Tango, or even had it on my radar but has turned into a major focus in my life!
I was caught up in my early adult years chasing the cliche American dream that leads to buying a house, having a job, and living happily ever after with your sweetheart, then the winds altered course. After some heartbreak, found myself with a house, a job, and a desire to start over with new adventures and a new lifestyle.
So I began to focus on myself, my life, and trying new things. Found myself in a ballroom class with my mother thanks to brother getting married, and my mother wanted company for some dance lessons! This lasted all of a few months, changing dance styles every other week (no tango), and then the wedding came and went and the lessons stopped without another thought.
Almost 2 years later, with some new friends and branching myself out more, one of my new amazing friends mentioned that she was going to a wedding! We got to talking and mentioning my experiences, with some discussion about the dance classes. Low and behold, she used to take Argentine Tango Classes through the local university few years prior. Push come to shove (not really), we found out it was still happening, joined up, and a few months later I’m addicted and dancing tango like crazy!
Years later, I found my life with an opportunity to travel, thanks to a severance package from a downsizing company. Getting my passport, finances, and everything together, I chose to take a trip!
Leaving a life of security, a home, history with family and friends for something unknown, to pursue a new dream is a risk and a choice I’ve taken. How long shall I be traveling, will I keep dancing without burning out, new friends and those who become part of my family are all questions I ask myself daily. Who I am and everything that has happened all change as new experiences shape and mold the person I am. I’m constantly changing, travelling new places when I can, having my own, Tango-Voyage!
Even now, years after the initial travel down to Argentina and the start of this site, I’m still writing, dancing, travelling, and added photography into the mix. Almost burnt out once or twice, but have still kept with this Voyage and happy!