My one month in Buenos Aires has come and gone with these weeks 5 & 6, and these weeks I feel I have found my little groove, or at least found places that I’ve greatly enjoyed and would highly suggest to others. Blessed that I’m not rushed in this tango Voyage, has left me the chance to try new a different place along the way, maybe off the beaten path, may it be a great experience or not, I’m happy for the opportunity. Outside of Tango, being a tourist has been on my list of adventures, ranging from museums, cemeteries, street food, markets, parks, viewing the water, enjoying the change of weather, and walking the barren streets at 4am.

Finding your groove…

With the opportunities to check out new venues and places, I still like to revisit where I’ve been, because they are familiar, and sometimes comforting. The start of week 5 had me going to El Beso one last time… maybe not my last time, but will be for a while as I just can not get into the venue, even though I do enjoy it, something doesn’t feel right for me. If I don’t happen to go with someone, or know someone, it just doesn’t appeal enough to me.  Even won a free entry at another Milonga for El Beso… might end up using it, or it may disappear as I move from place to place.

Outside of El Beso, these weeks I really found my calling here in Buenos Aires.  Friend suggestions and recommendations from other good dancers I’ve been lucky enough to communicate with, brought me to where I feel I can relax and enjoy what Buenos Aires & Palermo have to offer.

La Bicicleta, this is where I’ve found my groove, and I highly suggest if it’s available when you visit, to definitely go and at least to check out.  You will find mostly people in the age range of 20s and 30s here, some older. This venue was closed, but this Monday on week 5 was the re-opening, and what an opening it was. Has a bar, a floor that is a little tough and hard to pivot, couches all around, some tables, few chairs, mostly standing room, but a great vibe. The dancer quality is higher, very good energy, and feels like a tango party of close friends. It is tucked away and easy to miss, but once you go through the doors and into the courtyard, it’s amazingly beautiful.  I’ve found my Monday spot for dancing, I almost don’t care what else is happening on Mondays, this place really trumps a lot for me thus far. If I’m in Palermo on Monday night, I’ll be here, and you should too!

Week 5 included Salon Canning for the live music and performances on Tuesday, and also Yira Yira on Friday night. Wednesday and Thursday were relaxing days, and so was Saturday night.  It’s nice to have some time off to relax and not feel rushed for anything. With good friends, familiar places, interesting performances and special events, I’ve really started to find a good balance of things.

Week 5 also included trying out Villa Malcom for the Sunday night Milonga and then I headed off to check out La Viruta. Villa Malcom I must say was a nice little space, but too dark to get dances.  No Pictures, but nothing super special, but for a Sunday night, it really is a nice place to check out.  Mix of crowds, other nights though are not as exciting or busy from what I’ve noticed, so I’d stick to Sundays here, at least for earlier on Sunday.

Late night Sunday, after 2AM, everyone heads out to La Viruta. La Viruta is the place to be quite frequently on Sundays, Wednesdays, and also Saturdays (super busy). This is downstairs, free after 2AM, a big floor, plenty of seating (they are usually all occupied) which apparently has good coffee and pastries in the morning. The space is advertised as a practica, and thus there usually aren’t cortinas, but obvious tandas. The dance level is above average, but you get a good variety.  The floorcraft also is hit and miss, but the vibe is where it’s at. Highly suggest!

Dancing Cheek to Cheek

Week 6 kicks things off to a familiar pattern of mine for my first coupe days.  La Bicicleta and Salon Canning for my Monday and Tuesday (after the night of La Viruta) and then I branched out for a new place on Wednesday. I’ve passed this one up before due to being tired, but was invited out and knew some people here, so made it much more appealing.  Boy was I glad I went out of Wednesday night!

Cheek to Cheek is the place to be on Wednesday if you’re in your 20s and 30s! This place is advertised as a practica with a class before. You wouldn’t know it’s there, you need the address, and have to be buzzed in.  The music is spot on, no cortinas, and the quality of dancers are quite high.

Wrapping up…

A sad ending and new beginnings also rounded out this week, with two friends both leaving to go their own ways with hard goodbyes, and the meeting of a new friend by unexpected means. Met the new friend who was introduced to me by my first AirBnB host, which was a pleasant surprise.  She mentioned to him she was here to learn Tango, he reached out to me, and we got together and I helped her out and showed her around here and there. Some practice time, joining to a few Milongas and venues when Schedules aligned, added to the adventures of this week and the next!

Sunday rolls around, and I was lucky enough to be invited by my new tango friend to check out the Buenos Aires Tango Finals! We didn’t manage to get tickets prior, but luck should have it, if you didn’t pick up your free tickets the day prior, you can show up and there is an upper balcony you can watch the finals from. A whole post is needed for pictures and talking about the finals, so stay tuned!