1903, 2019

ValenTango 2019 – Impressions?

March 19th, 2019|0 Comments

This marks the 5th, no... 6th... maybe 7th year I've attended ValenTango in Portland Oregon.  I'm not really going to try and keep track, most of my first few years Tango Dancing is a

901, 2019

Connect 2018 – Raising the bar

January 9th, 2019|0 Comments

When you think of a good tango festival, it includes good teachers, DJs, and dancers.  When you think of a good tango marathon, beside the dancers and DJs, the next big thing would be

3010, 2018

The computer resource we all need!

October 30th, 2018|0 Comments

My background has always been computers from back in the age of the floppy disks. I've gone through the motions of wanting to design games, play them, do video editing, building websites, graphic design,

3108, 2018

Takes 2 – Tango Lessons

August 31st, 2018|0 Comments

It's been years since I started my Tango Voyage, and over time my view points on many different topics have changed.  These view points will also change in the future I'm sure. But right
